How to Play
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Choose which device you will use to meditate: your phone or a BCI (Brain Computer Interface).
If you opt for the BCI, turn it on and connect it to the app via Bluetooth. Then press "start" to begin the calibration session, which will measure your brain's basic state and connection status. Once calibration is complete, you can start your meditation session while wearing the BCI.
If you prefer to use your phone, press "start" and hold your phone against your belly while maintaining proper meditation posture. The gyroscope inside the smartphone will measure the rise and fall of your belly, allowing it to detect your breath.
The default meditation duration is set to 10 minutes, and music will be automatically played during your session. In the future, users will be able to customize the length of their meditation and select the type of music they prefer.
Once your meditation session is complete, you'll be able to view the results of your session, including your mindfulness score. Based on your score, you'll receive Mindland points.